About Our Centre
How many children will be at the Centre?
The number of children varies in each group depending on the age of the children. There are only a maximum of 9 in the youngest age groups and up to 22 in the older groups. The numbers are set by government regulations.
How much will it cost?
That depends on your percentage of subsidy under the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) scheme. Your CCS percentage is calculated on the basis of your gross family income and your number of eligible hours is based on a work Activity test on MyGov. If you haven’t yet been assessed, you log in to your MyGov and lodge an application. Centrelink will advise you of your entitlements. We simply charge you the difference between our total fee and the subsidy and we claim the subsidy from the Government on your behalf.
What do the children do while they’re at the Centre?
Due to our focus on early learning and preparation for school, we carefully plan each day’s program that your child attends.
The program for each group of children is specially designed to cater to the developmental needs of the group and for each child individually. Staff carefully monitor and record the progress of each child in each of their areas of development. This information is then evaluated and used to plan ongoing activities to further support each child in each area.
Do children take long to settle in?
Every child has his or her own special way of adapting to being placed in care, but most children settle in very quickly with the assistance of our experienced and caring staff. We welcome phone calls from parents to check on their children’s progress during the settling in period, or at any other time if there’s anything you’d like to discuss.
How many days per week do I have to book?
Bookings can be made for any number of days per week. However, it is generally recommended that you book at least two days per week to ensure that your child is receiving enough contact with the staff and the other children to establish good relationships, to settle in properly and receive the full benefits of the special developmental programs we offer.
Do I have to have permanent booked days?
Generally, bookings are for the same days each week as casual or occasional care can only be provided if there is a vacancy in a particular age group on the day you wish to bring your child.
How are fees paid?
Fees are paid weekly or fortnightly in advance. You may pay by credit card, PayPal, direct deposit via internet banking or by automatic direct debit. The bond and first fortnight of care are paid on commencement at the Centre.